
Membership of the club runs April-March and includes TCBCC membership 

What are the benefits of joining the club?

  • You are making a contribution to the upkeep of the Thornhill site- Without these facilities we could not race!!
  • You receive a substantial discount on race entries, this includes any Batley Buggy Club winter series events hosted at MB
  • You have the right to influence how the club is run and any major decisions that need to be made.
  • There is a small bar discount at TBCC on production of your membership card/number 

Fees are £25 for an adult membership and £14 for a junior membership**

How do I join the club?

  • Simple, come and see us at a race meeting ! We will take your details and payment. Membership cards will be issued to you at a following meeting.

**To comply with TCBC rules, all juniors must have a parent or guardian who is a member- If the adult does not race the fee is £6 for a non racing membership